San Fernando Valley Academy was founded with one purpose - to build a space for all students to grow, learn and create with each passing day. Through a unique teaching approach and a truly passionate staff, we help students develop academically and personally to the highest level.
We invite you to explore our site and discover the academics and community San Fernando Valley Academy provides to each and every student. Get in touch with us today to schedule a tour, learn more about enrollment, or ask any other questions.

San Fernando Valley Academy has been accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) since 1963. This is an important accreditation because it is the only one that the California state schools of higher education (UC and CSU) recognize. Because of the high standards that California expects, other states also accept this accreditation.

The National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA) has accredited SFVA since 1992. This organization is particular to private schools. They set high standards that they expect schools who are beyond the reach of the public dollar to attain..

The Seventh-day Adventist school system is the second-to-the-largest parochial school system in the world. The Adventist school system operates 7,500 schools in nearly 150 countries. These schools are accredited by Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA). SFVA is proud to have held AAA accreditation since 1961.
Having a relationship with each of these accrediting associations by meeting their standards keeps the school focused on providing the best learning environment possible for the students.